
Company Values

Reliable Partnerships: Fostering Trust Through Dependable Support
Inclusive Community: Celebrating Diversity, Cultivating Togetherness
Committed Care: Dedication to the Well-being of Every Organization
Impact: Enabling Churches to Inspire and Transform Communities


A graduate of Duke University, Micah jumped into the communications and media roles at a few different organizations. Within these roles, he knew the excitement and frustrations that come with growth, rebranding, marketing, and design. 

In 2018, while assisting a start up in Durham, NC, the idea of Merch for faith based organizations began. After five years of working with faith-based organizations, Micah grew The Church Shop making it the number one place for Churches to get merch. 

However, Micah wanted to reach beyond faith-based organizations and support those doing work all over the country. While The Church Shop was working with faith-based organizations, Micah wanted to offer the same great services for other organizations.  Thus Impact Merch began.

The drive for unparalleled customer care steers Micah's ambition to expand support all organizations doing amazing things to make this world a better place. His goal is to empowering profits to create a significant community impact free from the hassle of overhead or design complexities.

Micah, along with Maria, is deeply invested in providing a nurturing and secure environment for children. Their dedication has led them to foster seven children, one of which they were able to joyfully adopt.  They still continue to foster children just outside Raleigh, NC. This dedication to nurturing and supporting growth, both in his personal life and through Impact Merch, reflects Micah's deep-seated belief in the power of community to foster positive change and build a brighter future.

Micah Thomas


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